Drop us your email to hear about Quota's special events
The Loan closet is a non profit service of the Estes Park Quota, whereby durable medical equipment is available to area residents and visitors. Loans are intended to be on a temporary basis, up to 3 months. Items include but are not limited to hospital beds, walkers, toilet risers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, roll-abouts, knee walkers and more. Call to check on availability. Follow the link below for our 2023 volunteer schedule and more information.
One of our most popular events is our Festival of Trees. During the holiday season Estes Park Quota displays over 40 holiday trees decorated by local businesses, non-profits, artists and Quota members at
The Estes Park Resort.
Support Estes Park Quota by purchasing chances to win a tree. Big thanks to our amazing sponsors, Estes Park Resort, Ember Restaurant & Bar, The Estes Park News, Aspen Eyecare, Avant Garde Aleworks, Bank of Colorado, RE/MAX Mountain Brokers, and Richardson Team Realty.
In 2019 Quota Club contributed towards the purchase of a new ambulance for Estes Park. This has been a tradition since our club was founded in the 1940's. Since then we have helped purchase 21 ambulances for the Estes Community. This is an important service for our community to have emergency vehicles that can maneuver winding mountain roads and inclement weather to reach those in need.
Join us for our 2025 Taste of Estes on Thursday April 24, 2025 at the YMCA of the Rockie.
Estes Park's favorite community event is the annual Rotary Duck Race. On May 6th, almost 10,000 ducks are dumped into the Fall River west of town and float their way to downtown Estes Park. Volunteers collect the ducks and winning ducks are awarded prizes. Adopt a duck and designate it for Estes Park Quota for $25 or 6 for $125. Each duck is a chance to win hundreds of prizes and helps support our organization. Adopt a duck today!
Social gatherings include Bunco, Trivia night, wine and cheese tasting, snowshoeing, arts and crafts and more !
Quota members share the values of serving and encouraging others, developing friendships, and promoting international understanding.
We are a nonprofit organization, helping hearing and speech impaired individuals and disadvantaged women and children. We also have a Medical Supply Loan Closet open to all residents of Estes and visitors for a nominal fee. Other local efforts include providing education scholarships and service to seniors.
The club holds several fundraisers throughout the year, including Taste of Estes in April and the Festival of Trees in December. We meet from 12-1pm twice per month from September through May at the US Bank Building in Estes. We work hard but also value fun and friendship.